不知大家會否留意有些電視廣告是真‧夫妻檔上陣, 可能廣告商是想背帶給觀眾家庭溫馨的感覺吧, 亦有像是真人現身說法, 並不只是做戲咁做, 當然, 如果兩夫婦都是artist, 又公認感情好的, 自然更加入屋。
1. 陳國邦 、羅敏莊 : 白蘭氏 迎接每日挑戰 醒晨 由瞓覺開始
廣告實行現身說法,但又很輕鬆,陳國邦及Mimi 都很鬼馬,像以前歡樂今宵戲劇。
這個廣告都是現身說法,但比較像生活劇, 阿Lo 及 Lily 親身推介一樣。
3. 郭晉安、歐倩怡: 家庭議會-「2015/16年度家庭友善僱主獎勵計劃」
這個就一本正經介的廣告, 當時觀眾都知郭晉安及歐倩怡是兩夫婦, 但廣告裡沒有利用, 2人像只是narrators。
4. 劉青雲、 郭藹明: 用EPS Easy Cash 買野攞埋錢
這個廣告感覺是劉青雲一邊介紹, 佢郭藹明就一邊示範, 突顯出太太shopping, 老公精明的境況。
25 則留言
manuscripts held onto
works of art.
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in
from a printed book, reproduction
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
which is carried out by the printing
consists of the book itself
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in
among them acquired “Moral
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
European glory, and even after
European glory, and even after
among them acquired “Moral
book about the chess of love “, created by
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
handwritten books were made,
from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]
“Julia’s Garland” (fr. Guirlande de Julie)
consists of the book itself
among them acquired “Moral